DAVS 2025

Dutch Annual Virology Symposium 2025

Anais Wiech
The Role of Varicella-Zoster Virus pVLT-ORF63 and pORF63 in Modulating Host Chromatin During Lytic Infection

​​​​​​​Meryl Haas
Structure of the Human Norovirus NTPas

Joost Snijder
Direct mass-spectrometry based sequencing and repertoire profiling of anti-RSV-F antibodies from human serum

Mark Bakkers
pitch; A foldon-free prefusion F trimer vaccine for RSV to reduce off-target immune responses

Haye Nijhuis
pitch: Producing and stabilizing recombinant surface glycoproteins from highly pathogenic zoonotic viruses

Oscar Lezcano
Recurrent selection of 2B mutations in an insect picornavirus upon experimental evolution in a nonnative host

Wessel Willemsen
Differential effect of acute versus persistent insect-specific flavivirus infection on superinfection exclusion of Zika virus

Sebastian Lequime
Incorporating empirical lab data into epidemiological risk assessments: taking into account host heterogeneity and within-host dynamics

José Dekker
pitch: HIV-1 can escape from dolutegravir inhibition through mutations that cause
integration-independent virus replication

Thibault Mesplede
pitch: Rapid selection of HIV 3’PPT mutations in the presence of integrase strand
transfer inhibitors

Salina Quack
MDA5 employs ATP hydrolysis to condense long dsRNA into a stable nucleoprotein

Lisa Bauer
Increased attachment to, and replication of recent avian H5N1 influenza A viruses
from clade in human airway epithelial cells

Huib Rabouw
Dissecting the Influenza A virus infection cycle through single vRNP imaging

Willemijn Rijnink
pitch: A novel antigenically central HA mRNA vaccine confers humoral and cellular
immune responses and protects ferrets against challenge with a heterologous
A(H5) clade highly pathogenic avian influenza virus

Annelies de Rooij
pitch: Long term evolution of seasonal influenza A/H3N2 virus in differentiated
human airway epithelial pathways reveals diverse evolutionary potential

Beijerink Awards Ceremony
Puck van Kasteren, Carmen Embregts, John van der Oost
Presentations Beijerinck Premium-recipients, Beijerinck Lecture