Symposium Food Safety Risks of our Future Food

About this event

Date and time
Nov 16, 2023 12:30 - 17:00
Omnia, Campus Wageningen


Food Safety Risks of our Future Food

Thursday November 16th 2023, Omnia, Campus Wageningen

Will new developments in food processing and availability of raw materials impact food safety? Which options will be available to ensure safe foods?
What is the consumer’s perspective? And also, do we need additional measures to protect the vulnerable ones?

The symposium will take place in Wageningen.

Venue of meeting:
Omnia, Hoge Steeg 2, 6708 PH  Wageningen
On campus:  follow ‘P-route’ to car park P1. Omnia is building number 105.

Registration and payment
Fee is €  50,- for KNVM members, €  60,- for non-members and €  15,- for students.
Registration is possible until Monday November 13th 2023.


12.30 - 13.00  Registration, coffee & tea

13.00 - 13.05  Welcome

13.05 - 13.35 Alternative proteins meat & dairy replacers: microbiological safety and future trends  
                       Hermien van Bokhorst–van de Veen (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, WUR) 

13.35 - 14.05 Selection and evaluation of natural antimicrobials -  the industry perspective                
                       Jan Willem Sanders (Unilever Research, Wageningen)

14.05 - 14.35 Does use of food side streams for food products lead to new food safety risks?
                       Martijntje Vollebregt (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, WUR )

14.35 - 15.00  Coffee, tea

15.00 - 15.30  Safe re-use of water in food production and processing
                       Rob de Jonge (RIVM, Bilthoven)

15.30 - 16.00  Protecting our little ones: Identification and risk ranking of microbiological hazards in the EU infant food chain
                       Kah Yen Claire, Yeak (Food Microbiology, WUR) 

16.00 - 16.30  Food safety from a consumer’s perspective
                       Wieke van der Vossen-Wijmenga (Voedingscentrum, Den Haag)

16.30               Drinks