2018 Microbiomes and Metagenomics: Analysis and challenges
Microbiomes and Metagenomics: Analysis and challenges
On Friday the 23rd of November 2018, the Division Microbial Typing of the Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology will organize a meeting at Danone Research, Uppsalalaan 12, Utrecht. This is a follow-up meeting of previous meetings where we shared practical issues related to Next-Generation Sequencing.
This time we invite you to a meeting about the use and technical challenges related to metagenomics. We have invited speakers to present during this meeting but there are still a few slots available for presentations. Therefore, we would also like to ask if someone would like to share their experience and/or present their data related to metagenomics at this meeting. If so please send an e-mail to f.hagen@westerdijkinstitute.nl. Be aware that the number of participants is limited to 100, ultimate date to register is November 20, 2018. Registration is possible via this link.
We hope to welcome you on the 23rd of November 2018!
With kind regards,
The board of Division Microbial Typing (KNVM)