Membership information

Become a member

Fill in the online membership form to become a Regular or Student member of the KNVM. Applications for Institutional memberships should be submitted by the group leader using this form

Annual membership fees

The annual contributions for the different memberships are given below. Please note that the contribution will automatically stop upon ending the membership. Please note that memberships can only be terminated at the end of each calendar year, with a notice period of 4 weeks. The direct debit contract will automatically be terminated when the membership is ended.

Regular member (without direct debit)€35
Regular member (with direct debit)€30
Student member (PhD student / Arts In Opleiding tot Specialist (AIOS)) (without direct debit)   €25
Student member (PhD student / Arts In Opleiding tot Specialist (AIOS)) (with direct debit)€20
Institutional membership (PhD student)*€12
Institutional membership (Postdoc)*€18

*Institutional memberships are paid for by the group leader. 

Membership benefits

KNVM members enjoy several benefits, which are outlined in this PDF document (in Dutch).