News archive
Call for nominees for IUMS awards
The International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) is now calling for submissions of nominees for the following awards which will be presented at the IUMS Congresses to be held in...
Mini Symposium KNVM Division Food Microbiology
What you need to know about microbiological variability for food quality and safety control Tuesday January 31st 2017 NIZO Food Research, Kernhemseweg 2 EDE ll variabilities are equal but some are...
Meeting of the KNVM Section Mycology: Fungi on the Move
The annual meeting of the section Mycology of the Royal Dutch Society for Microbiology (KNVM) will take place Friday November 25 in the CBS building (Uppsalalaan 8, Utrecht). The theme of the...
In Memoriam: Maurits La Rivièra (1923-2016)
Op 24 augustus 2016 is Maurits La Rivièra op 92-jarige leeftijd overleden. Hij was sinds 1953 lid van de KNVM, en daarmee het langst lid van de vereniging. Wij wensen de familie en vrienden veel...
CORBEL Open Call
CORBEL – Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services – is an EC Horizon2020 project uniting 11 Biological and Medical Science Research Infrastructures (RIs). In...
In Memoriam: Fried Vogels 1934-2016
Op 28 oktober 2016 is voormalig KNVM voorzitter Fried Vogels overleden op 82-jarige leeftijd. Hij was lid van de vereniging sinds 1960, en kreeg de gouden lid status sinds 2012. In 1963 werd de...
Call for presentations and nominations for the best Thesis Award 2015/2016
Call for presentations and nominations for the best Thesis Award 2015/2016 The annual meeting of the section Mycology of the Royal Dutch Society for Microbiology (KNVM) will take place Friday...
Scientific Top Training in Antimicrobial Research
Recently, the Amsterdam Institute for Molecules, Medicines and Systems (AIMMS) at VU Amsterdam, has been awarded an MSCA Cofund grant for continuation of its STAR graduate programme. The AIMMS...
Suggestieformulieren Scientific Spring Meeting KNVM & NVMM 2017
Geachte KNVM-leden en besturen van de secties van de KNVM, Momenteel werken wij aan het programma van het wetenschappelijke voorjaarscongres van de KNVM & NVMM 2017, welke wordt gehouden op 11 en...
New division Microbial Bioinformatics
We are pleased to introduce the new KNVM division Microbial Bioinformatics (BI). The mission of this division is to enhance knowledge dissemination between bioinformaticians who are involved in...