BAMA Symposium 2019 - English Information

The eighth BA(chelor)MA(ster) symposium was held on Wednesday 27 March as a session of the Spring meeting of the scientific KNVM and NVMM. The symposium was organized by the members of the section education of the KNVM.
A total of 95 students enrolled of which 44% were bachelor students and 56% were master students. Of all the participants 69% was female and 31% male. The students came from Groningen till Maastricht and studied at 17 different colleges and universities in the Netherlands. A very good national participation!
The programme included 7 oral presentations of 15 minutes. Five of these were given by master's students and 1 by a Bachelor student. The international gold price iGEM 2018 winners from Groningen presented their project ' StyGreen, manufacturing the greenest Lego Bricks! ' which was a stimulating and inspirational lecture.
11:15 - 11:30 BaMa-O01 Enrichment of novel comammox Nitrospira from a Dutch drinking water treatment plant Liena Sarkis
11:30 - 11:45 BaMa-O02 Uptake of sialic acid by non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae increases complement resistance through decreasing IgM-dependent complement activation Marjolein Oerlemans
11:45 - 12:00 BaMa-O03 A love and hate relationship: Nitrogen removal by a co-culture of comammox and anammox bacteria Maider Echeveste
12:00 - 12:15 BaMa-O04 Differential expression of nutrient transporters in the compartmentalized anammox bacterium Kuenenia stuttgartiensis Daan De Bruyckere
12:15 - 12:45 BaMa-Poster pitches
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch
Chairs: Bas Zaat & Anne Loonen
14:00 - 14:15 BaMa-O05 The optimization of the in vitro cultivation of four strains of Plasmodium falciparum from ring stage to sporozoite Amke Hackmann
BaMa-O06 was cancelled
14:15 - 14:30 BaMa-O08 Interlaboratory comparison of the Oxford Nanopore’s MinION® Sequencing Device for Microbial WGS Applications Marco J.R. Ivens
14:30 - 14:45 BaMa-O10 iGEM Team Groningen 2018 Noa Leijdesdorff & Rianne Prins
14:45 - 15:45 BaMa-Poster session
The abstracts of posters and presentations in the program book of the springmeeting.
The members of the section education of the KNVM elected the presentation given by Maider Echeveste (Radboud University, Nijmegen) with the title ' A love and hate relationship: Nitrogen removal by a co-comammox and culture of anammox bacteria ' as the best oral presentation. She received a gift voucher for her achievement from section member Anne Loonen.

Also this year the poster session was very successful with a total of 25 posters. Through pitches of 1 minute, the content of the posters was presented shortly preceding the poster session. The quality of the pitches and the posters was high. The poster session took place during the coffee break and was crowded with animated discussions. All poster presenters obtained a certificate for their contribution.
The winner of the best poster
(presentation) was Eveline Kain (Fontys applied natural sciences, Eindhoven).
Together with Javier M she made the poster entitled "Optimizing real-time
PCR for Aphanomyces astaci detection '. Through public online voting she got
18% of all the votes. She received a gift voucher for her poster (presentation)
from section member Jolanda van Schie.