Enkele voorbeelden van microbiologische webinars op Internet. Op Youtube zijn er honderden te vinden:

The Use of ASM Resources for Teaching Microbiology
Rebecca L. Buxton, MS, MT (ASCP),University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Duration: 24:56 Webinar Objectives:
- Locate and Navigate the MicrobeLibrary web site and the ASM Curriculum Guidelines
- Describe the contents of the four ML collections
- Explain some novel uses of images and animations
- Seek to use Bloom’s Taxonomy and other resources to construct valuable assessment questions
- Contribute to MicrobeLibrary!
- Explore Other ASM Resources and Activities

Water Quality Sampling and Analysis
- van LaMotteCompany
This webinar provides a review of water sampling methods and subsequent analysis for water operators, field sample technicians, ..

Ebola: Protocols, Infection Prevention and More
- van Bioquell
Dr. Jon Otter joins us for a 30 minute webinar covering an update on Ebola in West Africa, discussing the current challenges, and

Have you ever wondered why mozzarella bubbling and stretching between pizza slices is so different from the earthy flavors of ...

Food Microbiology: An Overlooked Frontier | Lecture 11 (2011)
Speaker: David Chang (momofuku) November 14, 2011

Webinar QMRA Better food safety control in the food chain
- van NIZOfoodresearch
In this webinar we will present state-of-the-art tools and approaches that allow for tailor-made implementation of QMRA in food

Microbiology Operations in Infectious Disease Clinical Trials | BR Webinars
PLEASE NOTE: This is a preview of the webinar. To view the full webinar please go to http://br-w.co/V8Epot Business Review ..

Food Safety in Organic Poultry Webinar
This webinar took place on February 4, 2014 Presenters: Sandra Diaz Lopez and Irene Hanning-Jarquin, University of Tennessee ..

Webinar: Filter Integrity Testing Best Practices
- van EMDMilliporePS
Sterile filtration is commonly employed for microbial removal and plays a pivotal role in assuring final product sterility. Where ...