BAMA Symposium 2023 - English Information

The number of students registered for the BaMa symposium this year was great (109 participants). The distribution between applied university and university students was approximately 1:2. The students were able to participate in the plenary sessions of the KNVM spring meeting with renowned speakers and the presentation of the Leeuwenhoek Medal 2023 to Prof. Jillian F. Banfield of the University of California. During the breaks, the booths of the organizations on the exhibition floor could be visited. As an organization, we really enjoyed the enthusiasm of the students as there was plenty of discussion about the research presented.
After the BaMa symposium was opened by the chair, 47 enthusiastic students presented their Bachelor's and Master's projects in a talk or in a poster (pitch). The program was very varied, covering microbiology in its full width. This year, for the first time, the Mike Jetten award was presented for best Master thesis. The awards were presented by Prof. Mike Jetten to Catherine Toner-Bartelds (Utrecht University), Pleun Meurs (Radboud University), and Gerben de Zwaan (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research). During the lunch break there was time to view posters, discuss with students, and vote for the best posters (top 3).
The poster prize was won by Anouk Poppelaars (Fontys Hogeschool) who conducted her research at the Fontys lectorate Applied Natural Sciences (Eindhoven) in collaboration with Maastricht UMC, Sure Laboratories and the RIVM.
The 5-member jury had the task of identifying the winner of the best talk. All presentations were of high quality. Kemal Koc (Hanze University of Applied Sciences) emerged as the winner with the presentation of his bachelorthesis project at the Hanze University's EnTranCe (Centre of Expertise Energy) knowledge center.
We thank everyone for his/her contribution to the 11th BaMa symposium and congratulate the winners of both the best thesis, presentation and poster.
We hope to put on another great BaMa symposium next year where we may also present an award for best bachelor thesis. See you in Papendal!